As part of the drawing exercises, Janusz and Marzena took us to a small town, Kazimierz Dolny with a large group of artists from both the Mother Theresa centre and Fundacja. The town was renowned for its artists and the picturesque architecture and landscape. It was perfect for the exercise and we all found a great deal to inspire our sketches.

Volunteers Steph and Lea drawing

Johnny drawing the town's architecture
At lunch time our hosts treated everyone to a meal in a local restaurant. Pierogi seemed to be the order of choice with a wide variety of delicious fillings. Afterwards we were taken back to Lublin though we would have loved to have spent more time in Kazimierz Dolny. It was obvious that there was a great deal more to see than we had time for.

The two Johnnys!

Johnny checking out Kazimierz Dolny
>>> Janusz treats us to a meal out
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