There was a naming day ceremony also which meant a great deal of sweets and cakes were consumed. Apparently every first name has a special day devoted to it! This tradition should definitely be adopted here in the UK.
At the end of the afternoon we were presented with special goodbye gifts. It was really overwhelming how generous they were and how we were treated like VIPs. The presents were mostly pieces of artwork and crafts from the artists at the day centres. Katherine held back the tears as everybody applauded. Sadly we were unable to say goodbye to some of the artists we had met at Mother Teresa as they had been taken out for the day but we will remember them always.
We’ll never forget the expressions on everyone’s face when we presented them with our parting gifts on the last day. Our sponsors kindly donated a variety of gifts and we were so pleased with their reactions. One lady, who hadn’t spoken a word to us the whole two weeks, suddenly declared “parasol!?” when Katherine handed her a Yorkshire Forward umbrella. She also seemed quite pleased with her Enterprise rent-a –car mug, though couldn’t understand why there was no piping hot tea inside when she unwrapped it! Johnny (Johnny’s polish counterpart) was so happy with his brightly coloured Dean Clough mouse-mat, coaster and magnetic diary. It was such a pleasure to see him so kiddy over his presents.

The story doesn’t end here as we intend to return in a year’s time. Janusz has been building his new home and after discovering that Katherine is a horse fanatic (lots of animated gestures and neighing) has suggested that the whole group venture off to a retreat out in a nature preserve. He has invited us to stay with him in his new home and we are greatly looking forward to seeing everyone again soon.
Thanks go to the following companies for their kind donations:
Bentley and Co
Dean Clough
Duchy Parade Films
Enterprise rent-a-car
FCN Distribution
Genesis Social Enterprise
Graduates Yorkshire
Kooji Creative
Leeds Metropolitan University
Luminary Solutions
Martin House
New Technology Institute
Pace Micro Technology
Praxis Centre
Tis Development
Yorkshire Forward
Young Enterprise Yorkshire and Humber
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