We received this curious invitation (via carrier pigeon of course) cordially inviting us to attend an evening of murder, mystery and merriment. It would appear that some dastardly fiend had attempted to kill our beloved
Lord Whitney!
Image © Lord WhitneyWe both put on our sleuthing gear and headed straight to the scene of the crime, the Victoria Hotel in Leeds. The clues as to who'd killed the Lord appeared to be hidden amongst a photographic exhibition of 'Lord Whitney's Curious Circus Sideshow' and the book launch of 'The Plot to Kill Lord Whitney'. Not your usual crime scene but nevertheless we soldiered on determined to seek out the truth!

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth! Holmes, is that you?
Our hosts declared that "upon the hour of nine o'clock we shall reveal the detective who has fathomed the most creative but yet believable murder plot theory and award them with a special prize."
Johnny received
a special mention for his theory of raging jealousy and deceit:
'I have deducted that Eric was in fact guilty of attempted murder most horrid! Driven by jealousy over little Derek's success on stage and with the ladies, he plotted to capture his vertically challenged companion in a large jar then drown him in poisoned Cognac! However, Rodney Arthur found out and ran to warn someone but tripped over Tramp the Clown, hitting his head and forgetting the whole affair!
Lord Whitney was not the intended target.'
Signed Detective Johnathan Gallagher Lord Whitney never fail to amaze us with their creativity. A most entertaining evening! We look forward to our next invite ;)
For more about Lord Whitney follow these links:To see their fantabulous creative workings look here:
www.lordwhitney.co.ukRead all about Lord Whitney here:
http://lordwhitney.blogspot.comLimited edition books, screen printed posters and other delights can be found within Lord Whitney's Shop: