Sunday, 26 July 2009

The Scribble Project

I was reading the Doodlers Anonymous RSS Feed last week when I came across this blog post about a cool collaborative doodling project called 'Clubhouse Scribbles,' which is part of The Scribble Project. What's that? Well, it's "a playful community of doodlers who like to share our handiwork and collaborate in spontaneous art."

Johnny, me and Steve like to scribble socially, especially during a night out at Fab Cafe, so we thought this might be fun. We even had a small crowd (well two guys who were a bit pished) crowding round us eager to see our doodles. I took the opportunity to whip out the print-outs from this month's Clubhouse Scribbles - a groovy totem pole doodle that they're gonna link altogether to create one huge uber totem - so we each did two totem pole doodles and here they are!

© Johnathan Gallagher TrumpetCleaner

© Johnathan Gallagher TrumpetCleaner

© Katherine Moss quantempus

© Katherine Moss quantempus

© Steve O'Brien Super Nashwan

© Steve O'Brien Super Nashwan

If you fancy having a go doing your own totem pole doodle there's still time - the deadline is 31st July.

Check out the Website, Blog, Flickr Group, FaceBook Page, or Twitter.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Coming Soon

Hold on to your hats! The brand spanking new personal portfolios of Johnathan Gallagher and Katherine Moss are heading your way. We've been beavering away on these two gems for what seems like eons now, but with a bit of luck (and a lot more elbow grease) we'll soon have these fantabulous extrapolations uploaded in their full glory. In the meantime, check out these beautious holding pages! Ahh, can't you just taste the chocolaty goodness!?

© Katherine Moss quantempus

© Johnathan Gallagher TrumpetCleaner