Thursday, 25 June 2009

Patrick Burgoyne: Creative Review

Creative Networks had a very cool talk this month by Patrick Burgoyne, the Editor for Creative Review. Patrick's talk entitled 'Labels: and Where to Stick Them,' covered a range of projects including the creation of the cover for the January Issue by a letterpress studio called Gráfica Fidalga in São Paulo. This workshop keeps the tradition of letterpress alive by producing books and prints.

Image © Creative Review Magazine

Image © Creative Review Magazine

Check out this video which documents the project:

Another issue's cover was produced in Mumbai by photographing a taxi which was covered in specially made stickers all produced by hand:

Here's a cool quote taken from Patrick's blog post Everything and Nothing. It's something all graphic designers need to keep in mind when they work:

“To design is to create images which communicate specific ideas in purely visual terms and utter statements whose form graphically embodies or enhances the essential nature of the notions to be communicated.” This definition of graphic design comes from John Commander, the first chairman of D&AD and a noted art director.

There were some really great videos during the presentation including this one called 'Obsessions Make My Life Worse and My Work Better' which shows an installation led by Stefan Sagmeister:

Read more about this collaborative project here.

This one had us giggling. Would you trade in your FaceBook friends for a burger? I think I'm tempted:

A very cool 'Kinetic' (that means moving kiddies ;)) sculpture. Oooh! Pretty:

The emphasis on the hand-crafts was evident throughout Patrick's talk and was a real delight. There is a definite trend emerging in the return to the hand-made (which I absolutely LOVE!) and many skilled designers and artworkers are looking to traditional methods to produce their work. This can not only be seen in typography, but in type-setting, sign-writing, hand-lettering and many other trades. The perfect balance of the traditional and digital crafts is what's needed.

Patrick also gave his opinion on what the future may hold for the magazine itself (in the ongoing battle of the Hand Crafts versus New Media). Eventually the magazine may be accessible through digital means rather than mass distributed as hard-copies (the huge use of paper isn't exactly eco-friendly) - although this form of publication may be preferred as people tend to enjoy having something to read in their hands, so only time will tell.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

The End of the Beginning

As courses end, careers start.
A showcase of over five hundred
young creatives at this pivotal point,
the end of the beginning.

From fabric to photos, art and
arm chairs, this is a chance to
see the new generation of talent,
at one of the few thriving independent
art Colleges in the country.

Image © Leeds College of Art and Design

This degree show at Leeds College of Art and Design was the best by far, so much so infact that we spent almost a whole day walking around all of the degree shows from all of the creative courses at both the Vernon Street and Blenheim Walk sites.

As we ran round all the exhibits we picked up lots of post-cards, business cards and flyers and took a TON of photos documenting all the best bits to see. Here are some extra spicy photos and links to cool portfolio sites that'll get your creative tastebuds tingling:

Image © Sammy Dowgill BA (Hons) Visual Communication

'From Little Acorns, Big Oaks Grow...' © Laura Jordan BA (Hons) Visual Communication

Johnny and I both attached 'acorns' to this tree with a small message on each about what our dreams and aspirations are. The responses will be used as inspiration for illustrations in the zine 'Raise Your Hand, Raise Your Voice.' The zine has a blog too, check it out.

'Class of 2008 - 2009 (Rogues Gallery)' © Peter Kesteven BA (Hons) Fine Art

Costume © Jessica Bull BA (Hons) Costume with Textiles

Image © Claire Pullan ND Graphic Design

Image © Claire Pullan ND Graphic Design

We both recognised Claire's art from last year's degree show and were really blown away by this piece of work. It's 3 metres by 1 metre and looks amazing! Be sure to check out her portfolio website and blog for lots more illustrative masterpieces.

Image © Ken McFarlane

It was a nice suprise to come across Ken's work as it was one of so few examples of sequential art (or comic book art) appearing in exhibitions. We'd like to see much more of this kind of work on display at these events so cheers Ken and nice artwork!

'Kevin Bacon is the Centre of The Universe' Image © Vicky Smith

Image © Aric Arthur

Image © Steph Baxter

Steph is an Illustrator and Graphic Designer and also part of the Collective Custard Cream Creative. Yummy! We loved her work and will definitely keep checking back on her websites for updates. Take a look at her images on Flickr too!

Image © Joe Kelly

Related Blog Posts:

Leeds College of Art and Design End of Year Show 2008: Blood, Sweat & Tears

Portfolio Websites: A collection of links found on business cards from the show

Monday, 22 June 2009

Bradford Zine Fayre

Johnny and I have been getting into the Zine Scene of late, so we decided to head on over to the Treehouse Cafe in Bradford to check out the first ever 'Bradford Zine Fayre.' When we arrived we were treated to table after table (well 3 in total) filled to the brim with lovely self-published zines from all over the UK. We even spotted some itsy bitsy single-sheet zines too, just like this Free Doodles Zine on Super Duper which you can print out and make yourself. Neato!

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Site (1) Arts Festival 2009

The Leeds School of Contemporary Art and Graphic Design hold an annual end of year show celebrating their graduating student's achievements and we always make sure to get a look in on the artwork on display.

This year's degree show, Site (1), is part of the Leeds Met University's Arts Festival and is across 3 'Sites' from The Faculty of Arts & Society including the Leeds School of Architecture, Landscape & Design and the School of Film, Television & Performing Arts. There was plenty to see and lots of inspiring exhibits to get our creative juices flowing. Here is a selection of what we saw as we wandered around:

© Carine Brosse
© Carine Brosse
© Alex Monaghan, Untitled, Print Outs on Board, 15' x 11'

© Alex Monaghan, Untitled, Print Outs on Board, 15' x 11'

© Nicholas Pierce, Centaur, Graphite on prepared board

© Laura Havenhand
© Laura Havenhand

Thursday, 11 June 2009

LDS09 Fine Art Degree Show

Being greeted by a handshake, a "Thanks for coming" and then a very European 'Kiss Kiss' on either cheek was a surprise, but also quite a refreshing change at this year's Leeds University Fine Art Degree Show. We're not usually welcomed in this way to an exhibition, but we're not going to knock it either - it was very arty!

What was even artier was the 'Art of Queuing' installation. We headed up a staircase, found ourselves in a queue, someone whispered "they're letting two in at a time," so we patiently waited and made chit chat. When we were allowed in we were met by a long, dark corridor with a TV at the end. On the display screen was a live recording of all the other mugs patiently waiting in the queue - the small plaque read: 'The Art of Queuing (and Conversation).' Clever :D

© Emma Melton
'Fig. 8', Hysteric Beauty series, 2009
Oil, acrylic, make up, sweets and glass paint on canvas.

We found this on the way out. A pile of letters, part of which formed the word 'White ³.' I wonder what it means...

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Drawing Day 2009

We only heard about this by chance today as it was being advertised through redbubble (the site where Dom Palmer, fellow artiste extraordinaire and recent addition to the Kooji Gang, sells his art wares). What a find! We need more events like this and it's always a joy when we come across them. Plus, any excuse to draw for the purpose of uniting with our fellow humans world-wide is as good an excuse as any! The aim is to create 1 million drawings, so we got cracking and here's the result:

As you can see Johnny and I had a My Little Pony theme running throughout, but I can only chalk that down to the small toy sat next to my Mac and our need for inspiration.

Check out the Drawing Day website, Flickr Group, YouTube Channel and FaceBook Group for more details and to see how you can join in with the frivolity :D Drawing Day is an annual event (hurray!) and it lasts all weekend too, so quick! Go get ya pens, pencils, paper, sketch-books and draw! Don't forget to share your drawings online too :)