Sunday, 22 March 2009

We Love our Mummys

No we've not secretly started an Egyptian Mummy's collection, or begun preparing for this year's Halloween either. We're paying respect to our Mothers in celebration of Mothering Sunday. We Love our Mummys! X

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

How ARTiculate you are!

We recently came across a new Leeds based, creative mag on FaceBook called 'ARTiculate magazine,' and were hooked after taking a look at issue one here. Very professional looking and absolutely bursting with creativity! Finally a truly creative magazine for Leeds :D

Image © ARTiculate Magazine

ARTiculate held a party at the Mine bar, Leeds University to exhibit artists' work and to showcase musical talent from the region. We had a great night out, chatted with some really talented individuals and basked in the creativity.

Artwork © Stephen Jackson

I almost ran across the room and started scoffing these, then I realised to my disappointment that it was one of the artists' exhibits - Alice in Wonderland stylee: The Mad Hatters Tea Party

We were also fortunate enough to meet a very talented and humble guy called Dan Barritt. After perusing one of the artworks on display (a kinda post-apocalyptic scene of Ilkley) Dan kindly pointed out that small mooses were hidden within the artwork. "Oh yeah! How do you know about that?" I asked. "Because I made it!" he said, haha and then he dished out these groovy promotional postcards - Fantastic!

Image © Dan Barritt

Check out Dan's artwork here on his website Ragadabah and become a fan on the Ragadabah FaceBook Page