Sunday, 24 August 2008
New Blog!
Kooji have got themselves a new blog thanks to Google's Blogger. Its got some nifty widgets and plenty of special features so we'll be replacing our old news section with this instead. We've transferred all our old posts and photos so you can still check out what we've been up to over the last few years. Plus, you can look forward to more updates from us on current happenings and goings on. Hurrah! Thanks Blogger :)

Sunday, 17 August 2008
BarCamp Leeds 2008
We had such a fantastic time at the last BarCamp Leeds and this one was no exception. We've been eagerly awaiting news about this year's BarCamp so when the news came through from Imran Ali, one of the organisers, we got ourselves signed up straight away. BarCampers were treated to a free Orange goody-bag containing Orange USB pen drives, badges, balloons, pencils and groovy Yorkshire Forward USB mice.
This time round, rather than manning the reception throughout the day, we attended more of the talks, discussions and workshops. There was an unmistakeable design flavour seeping through at this year's event with one of the highlights being Dean Vipond's talk on Design Vs Usability. Dean is a designer from Orange and his talk focussed upon the relationship between and balance of these two fundamental areas. During the discussion he presented a diagram illustrating the project lifecycle of his design projects at work. This was a very interesting subject to discuss as it is a consideration every designer has to keep in mind: the constraints that usability can place upon the design process and at the same time the importance of the end user's requirements.
This time round, rather than manning the reception throughout the day, we attended more of the talks, discussions and workshops. There was an unmistakeable design flavour seeping through at this year's event with one of the highlights being Dean Vipond's talk on Design Vs Usability. Dean is a designer from Orange and his talk focussed upon the relationship between and balance of these two fundamental areas. During the discussion he presented a diagram illustrating the project lifecycle of his design projects at work. This was a very interesting subject to discuss as it is a consideration every designer has to keep in mind: the constraints that usability can place upon the design process and at the same time the importance of the end user's requirements.

All the BarCampers were really well catered for with some tasty sushi nibbles at lunchtime followed by a hearty helping of pizza for dinner. The Space Invaders and lollies went down well, with Imran kindly letting us run away with the remainding lollies at the end of the day. The evening was rounded off with a few drinks in the Fenton across the road from Old Broadcasting House.
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Leeds Girl Geek Dinner
After an invitation from Linda Broughton, Head of NTI Leeds, and Imran Ali, from CARBON:imagineering, we went along to Leeds' first Girl Geek Dinner, held at the Living Room in the city centre last night. These networking events are designed to promote and support women primarily in the technical industry, but also crossing into the creative and digital industries. The venue was packed with a range of professionals representing these disciplines and it was a great opportunity to make new contacts and to catch up with old ones. We managed a quick chat with Maz Hardey who we'd met earlier this year at OpenCoffee. There were two speakers: Lydia Machell and Lorna Mitchell whose talks covered the subjects of 'code as poetry' and 'professional development for girl geeks' respectively. The organisers did a fantastic job and we had a great night.

Imran Ali,
Leeds Girl Geek Dinner,
Linda Broughton,
Maz Hardey,
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